BC License:   85641

Loan Calculator

Using a loan calculator can help you to determine the payments you might expect when borrowing.

This can help with finding options and terms that can work for your finances and budget.

Make use of the loan calculator below to find out what options you can afford.

Calculate your loan payment

Get an option you can afford.
Loan Amount: $2500

$173.08<span class="small-star">*</span>


    Loan amount, interest rate and payment amount subject to change upon final loan approval. Representative interest rate for Personal Loans calculated at 34.99%.

    Your estimated Bi-Weekly
    payment amount is


    Learn more about loans

    When considering personal loans it can pay to educate yourself beyond the use of a loan calculator to learn more about the options available. Becoming familiar with the process, costs of borrowing and different aspects as it relates to your personal finances can help to ensure you have a complete understanding and to avoid unwanted surprises about the terms, fees and anything similar as it relates to personal loans.

    The following are a few recommended reads to help you with making informed decisions regarding personal loans. AimFinance encourages responsible borrowing and strives to provide informative articles for consideration when learning about loans, debt, budgeting and managing personal finances. This information is for educational purposes only but should not be mistaken for financial or legal advice. We strive to ensure the quality of the information provided but are not responsible for the accuracy of information or advice on our website. If you require professional financial advice it is suggested to consult a certified advisor or credit counsellor.